Our journey
Roadmap goals and development with DAO Governance

From 2015 to 2021, Kalamaha recorded and produced twenty six original compositions to be released on ‘Nó Samsara’, ‘Quetzal’ and ‘Kweb’ sideproject.

Started in 2022, Kalamaha DAO brings community power and share revenue with blockchain technology to all Kalamaha ventures. Discover.

Nó Samsara – Kalamaha 1st Original Album

January, 2022.
Kalamaha’s first album with ten original compositions.


February, 2022.
Kalamaha.eth ethereum name server (ENS) domain registration.


March, 2022.
$KLMH created on Ethereum blockchain with 21M total supply and 1% instant reward;

DAO Foundation

March, 2022
Decentralized Autonomous Organization with Snaptoshop.io Governance App.

Kalamaha Disse

May, 2022
Rodrigo K. presents ‘Disse’, ‘Alice’ & ‘Valentina’ on solo performance.

Start of Rehearsals

Beginning of rehearsals with the band Kalamaha.

Kalamaha Acoustic @ Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro.

2023-6-7 Live acoustic set at Sala Mario Tavares, Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro

Uniswap Liquidity Pool

Locked pair KLMH/ETH with initial liquidity in Uniswap, the most traded exchange in Ethereum Blockchain.


Website launch klmh.org for Kalamaha DAO presentation.

New Single K-web

A new Kweb,, or Kalamaha Web, original music with creative commons for your soundtrack.

Kalamaha Card #1 NFT Limited Edition

Kalamaha original cards – Limited edition NFTs for KLMH holders and DAO members.

EP Kweb

To be release gathering the first 6 ‘Kalamaha Web’ compositions, or K-web.

Quetzal – Kalamaha 2nd Original Album

Ten original compositions recorded from 2016 to 2020, Quetzal is the second original anthology from Kalamaha.

1% Token Burn

Yearly token burn from DAO Treasure that also generates 1% instant reward to all $klmh community on DeFi.

Pixel Art Music Video

À Tarde

Kalamaha Card #2 NFT Limited Edition

Limited edition to be distributed to $KLMH holders on Ethereum blockchain and DAO members.

Kalamaha Electric Live Streaming

Complete video presentation. Streaming exclusive first to $klmh community;
Later on Youtube, Instagram, Vimeo, Facebook and TikTok.

Public Music Video Contest

Worldwide music video contest with 1000 usd worth in $klmh for the most voted by our communty.

Community dApp

Gated content Dapp – decentralised application – for $klmh community members.

Kalamaha Card #3 NFT Limited Edition

Limited edition to be distributed to $KLMH holders on Ethereum blockchain and DAO members.

Restaurant Music Video

Classified project.

Marfim – Kalamaha 3rd Original Album

Ten original compositions.

1% Token Burn

Yearly token burn from DAO Treasure that also generates 1% instant reward to all $klmh community on DeFi.

Kalamaha Card #4 NFT Limited Edition

Limited edition to be distributed to $KLMH holders on Ethereum blockchain and DAO members.

Marfim live Concert

Complete video presentation. Streaming exclusive first to $klmh community; Later on Youtube, Instagram, Vimeo, Facebook and TikTok.

Kalamaha Card #5 NFT Limited Edition

Limited edition to be distributed to $KLMH holders on Ethereum blockchain and DAO members.

Kalamaha's Hall of Fame Vlog

Videolog retrospective.

EP Fukai

Secret project: original music.

1% Token Burn

Yearly token burn from DAO Treasure that also generates 1% instant reward to all $klmh community on DeFi.

Kalamaha Card #6 NFT Limited Edition

Limited edition with original art.
To be distributed to $KLMH holders.

Indie Game Kalamaha

An original adventure in 8bits with original soundtrack.

Fukai Live Streaming

Kalamaha presents Fukai live with community first exclusive streaming. Later on Youtube and social media.

Kalamaha Anime

An original animation made in Japan.

Kalamaha Card #7 NFT Limited Edition

Limited edition with original art.
To be distributed to $KLMH holders.

New Single K-web

A new and original Kalamaha Web soundtrack for streaming.

Kalamaha Live Streaming

Streaming exclusive to $klmh comminty; Later on Youtube and social media.

Kalamaha Card #8 NFT Limited Edition

Limited edition with original art.
To be distributed to $KLMH holders.

EP Bonde do LaMaha

Funk Carioca.

1% Token Burn

Yearly token burn from DAO Treasure that also generates 1% instant reward to all $klmh community on DeFi.

Game Kalamaha RPG

Triple A Kalamaha role playing game.
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